Manage LineItems

The lineItems can be managed from My Campaigns section, you can go to My Campaigns section by signing in, going to left panel and clicking My Campaigns.

From here, you can add a new lineItem, replicate the existing lineItem, edit lineItem, pause/resume lineItem, and mark lineItem as complete. Here are the steps that you need to take.

  1. Identify the campaign in which you want to add a new lineItem, go to Action column and click Add LineItem.
  2. Click Create New LineItem.
  3. Select a campaign objective and click Create Ad.
  4. Follow the steps of the selected objective provided in the Campaigns > Order Creation Flow section of this help center.
  1. Identify the campaign in which you want to replicate the existing lineItem, go to Action column and click Add LineItem.
  2. Click Replicate Existing LineItem.
  3. Identify the lineItem to replicate, go to Selection column and click Selection radio button.
  4. Update the necessary details such as name, start date, end date, price, and billable amount.
  5. Click Create.
  1. Identify the campaign whose lineItem you want to edit.
  2. Go to LineItem No column and click View More.
  3. Identify the lineItem, go to Detail column and click Show.
  4. Edit basic info, targeting areas and add items (ads).
  5. Click Basic Info tab, make changes in details like bid price, end date, price, and frequency.

    Click Targeting tab, edit geographical areas and platforms or audiences.

    Click Items tab and add the ads.

  6. Click Save.
  1. Identify the campaign whose lineItem you want to pause or resume.
  2. Go to LineItem No column and click View More.
  3. Identify the lineItem to pause or resume, go to Action column and click Pause/Resume.
  4. Click OK.
  1. Identify the campaign whose lineItem you want mark as complete.
  2. Go to LineItem No column and click View More.
  3. Identify the lineItem to mark complete, go to Action column and click Mark Complete.
  4. Click Ok.


  • Once the lineItem is marked as complete, it cannot be restarted.
  • If this is the last remaining lineItem in the campaign then "Also, mark campaign as complete…" checkmark option will be visible. Enabling this option will complete and close the campaign. After this, the lineItem will be sent for final reconciliation and invoicing.

After completing these steps. If there is any unspent amount remaining then most of it will be refunded instantly. Only a small percentage will be reevaluated and refunded accordingly within two business days. The refunded amount of the completed lineItem can be seen from the My Transaction section.